This is my first blog... so I want to make it memorable. So I have included an introspective shot of myself to the right. The "exciting shot" depicts my cool and reserved approach the world. Anyway, I kinda feel like I am a bit behind the rest of the world starting the blogging thing so late. Perhaps, one might say I am arriving fashionably late? I have been thinking about doing something like this for a while, but I am a total procrastinator. So I find myself here finally following through. I have been somewhat inspired by seeing other friends recently start blogging. It will be fun and little weird having such an open forum for my thoughts, ramblings, opinions, etc. for all to see!
Well for starters you all are probably wondering where I came up with the name? I guess the thought is that the name embodies the underground spirit and passion that I have. It also has a sense of adventure, excitement, and intrigue. I guess it is a bit of an oxymoron because how often is a craze underground? Anyway, that is enough overanalyzing my decision. So what does this mean for content, you might ask? For the most part I will post a lot of music discussion items as well as discussions about life. Hopefully, you're as big a fan of underground music as I am. Well if you are, then awesome.. if not I will discuss other interesting stuff too - not to worry. So bear with me as I get this up and running. It may not look spectacular to begin with, but I hope to make it a great place to visit and interact. I plan to do reviews, new artists, concert discussions, as well as other fun topics not necessarily music related.
So let the underground craze begin.... And bring on the comments if you dare!
I dare!
While I admit that today's "underground" music may be...no pun intended..."above me"....ok, pun intended, I like what you have to say so far.
My passion is music, and while I can be a bit ole' fashioned and stubborn, I will always be open to new forms of thinking and music.
Pick a topic. I am interested!
Glad to hear there are others out there who are interested in good music too. I plan to have some good discussions coming up shortly.
Cool, Kev. Nice to see you getting a blog off the ground. :)
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