"The Office" experience...
Anyway, for those of you who happen to work in Corporate America, you will undoubtedly recognize the humor in Dilbert or “The Office”. I am unfortunately a part of the whole system now… The best way to keep your self entertained at work is to find the humor in the things around you. I thought I’d point out a few types of people or activities you may see in the average office that I have expreienced:
- Food vultures: These are the people who meticulously know where and when food is available in the conference rooms after a meeting is over. They will scour the conference rooms in search of food even though they may not be part of a given meeting. The best vultures have receptionist informants who tell them when food is available before the general population knows.
- Prariedogging: This invariably happens in a cube farm environment. If a loud noise or disruption happens across the floor everyone pops up from their seat to see what that was. The effect of people popping up out of their “hole” gives the effect it’s name.
- The long talker: You know who these people are. They love to chat with you so much about their life or recent vacation, but have no concept of time or that you actually have some work to do. The best solution to the long talker is to have a “wingman” who assists the victim coworker in calling them from adjacent phone in a conference room. The call invariably breaks off the conversation with the long talker and restores order. In extreme cases the long talker will try to wait out the conversation. If so you are stuck.
- The loud talker: In the cube farm the loud talker is the person who has no concept of voice volume or privacy. They will share the most intimate details of their life and have no problem with those around knowing. Most people don’t want to know about why you have to go to the doctor or other details of your life.
I find it so sad to see someone losing it because of a lousy job.
I'm very fortunate. Piano players and mathameticians have it very easy; they know from a very early age exactly what they want to do. By the time I was six years old, the standard answer was "I want to be a concert pianist".
In your case, you might consider what most of the motivational speakers and behavioral modification experts have been saying for years. I quote Dr. Wayne Dyer here: "If money didn't count, what would you rather do than anything else in the world?"
Whatever it is, you can make a living at it.
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I wouldn't say I am "losing it". I actually enjoy my job and the people I work with. (That is not to say I don't have hypothetical fun jobs that I would love to do.) I am just finding the humor in the everyday life. I think there is a sense of monotony with any job no matter how exciting (although some might disagree.) So no need to be concerned, I am doing just fine. It's all in good fun... :-)
Glad you enjoyed the Seinfeld "nod". Maybe I am the next Jerry Seinfeld... OK maybe not. My favorite Seinfeld quote is by Kramer: "I am out there and I am looovin every minute of it!!" This was in response to an inquiry if he was wearing boxers or briefs.. Oh if my life were as simple as Kramer!
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