Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Best of 2006...
I know I am a little late in this, but it seems so many magazines are posting their best bands of 2006 so I'd thought I'd jump on the bandwagon too. To be more fun I'd thought I'd include a few categories of "best of" according to my opinion of course... So let me rephrase as "my favorites of 2006" to be more fair. Let's start with music (of course!)

My favorite concerts
of 2006:
1. Mute Math
2. Sufjan Stevens
3. The Stills
4. Eisley
5. Anathallo (they intrigued me more than anything..)

My favorite album releases of 2006(expanded to 10..):
1. Belle and Sebastian (The Life Pursuit)
2. Sunset Rubdown (Shut Up I am Dreaming)
3. Cold War Kids (Robbers and Cowards)
4. Arctic Monkeys (Whatever People Say I am, That's What I'm Not)
5. The Kooks (Inside In/Inside Out)
6. Matt & Kim (Matt & Kim)
7. Built to Spill (You In Reverse)
8. Muse (Black Holes and Revelations)
9. French Kicks (Two Thousand)
10. Camera Obscura (Let's Get Out of This Country)

My favorite movie releases of 2006:
1. The Departed
2. Nacho Libre
3. Superman Returns
4. The Last Kiss
5. X-Men The Last Stand

So any other suggestions... Keep in mind these are some quick picks and only music, movies, or concerts that I have had the opportunity to experience... And while I am writing on lists, here is my most anticipated albums of the coming year:

1. Arcade Fire
2. Bright Eyes
3. Interpol
4. Wolf Parade
5. Editors


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