Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Commuting in a sea of people...
Well I have started making my daily commute to NYC as I transition to move. I thought this morning that the term "sea of people" is quite appropriate. When the mass of people all rush to a train or across the street it has the appearance of a gentle, rolling sea. But in fact it is quite funny that the "sea" is actually very violent with people pushing their way through without running into each other. Perhaps a better analogy would be a crashing wave? Anyway, my day consists of many train rides. I have noticed that despite the intense number of people around me most tend to stay to themselves - safe in their own world. I noticed this morning on the train how so many people decide to pass time - reading, listening to music, sleeping, working on the computer, crossword puzzles, etc. Most of the time I just put my headphones on and tune everything out. I suppose it is because I don't really want to make friends or converse with those people. I just want to listen to my ipod and catch up on sleep. Not often do you witness people taking time to chat or get to know each other. I am not saying that is bad especially since you can't become friends with everyone you meet. I suppose I hope to take the time to get to know my local community where I live instead of random people on the train. Although, it is nice to see an occasional conversation of strangers meeting on the train. Today I eavesdropped to part of a conversation where some guys had a good chat on the train and then exchanged numbers... Despite it's unfamiliarity, it somehow felt good.... Maybe I should attempt a chance meeting or random conversation before I slip on my ear buds?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Bottled Water Snobs Unite!
I have to admit to you all that I am a bit of a bottled water snob. OK so that may be a bit of a harsh statement, but I refuse to buy anything, but evian. Hmm you say, that sounds elitest. Well, I prefer the taste of evian to any other bottled water. In fact, some "bottled water" isn't really natural, but just tap water bottled "on-site". Many people have told me that there is no difference in taste and I will have to dispute that claim.... I can tell the difference between taste's of water. In fact, I demonstrated this in a taste test once and picked out evian from two other choices (tap water and another bottled water brand). Sounds like I am quite talented, right? OK before I get a big head I want to point out that all water has different tastes. Evian has a softer, sweeter taste than most water... I know that sounds weird, but that is the best way to describe it. Any other water snobs out there?